Wednesday 2 June 2010

Telling the Truth Advertising

This Advert made me laugh for ages. It is generally advertising Blur, the new racing game.
"Blur Delivers bruising 20-car pile-ups in modified real-world street layout for the ultimate in after-dark, illicit, high speed thrills and spills. And, most thrilling of all, Blur supercharges you super car with no just the usual nitrous oxide speed boosts, but an arsenal of weapons to take the enemy drivers off the track."- Quote from Game

In other words it is a real racing game (for the Big Boys). To get a better idea of what real racing games are, Burnout, Gran Turismo, Project Gotham Racing, Split Second, these are examples of real racing game, even though most things on there cannot be done. Then there are game like Mario Kart, Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing, Cars Race-O-Rama.

This I think is a great advertising Strategy for the game showing the opinion of a lot of people and TELLS THE TRUTH FOR THE FIRST TIME. This advert shows what a lot of gamers think about non real racing games and what they are really for. Just take a look.