Monday 6 December 2010

Starbucks Relativity

As being fellow Barista in the Starbucks Golden Chain there is a few things in which I get annoyed about when people talk about Starbucks. This is to defend the chain of store I work in (Fair enough I think), things said like Costa or Coffee #1 is better . Well as it says in the name, Costa 'costs' a lot more than Starbucks and Coffee #1 is just a very small chain of coffee shop, doesn't account for.

Although one of very few things I do agree with about Starbucks is that there are flipping loads of them around. In Cardiff, I can count at least 10 possibly more, but defending them again, it does provide the service to customers of wherever you go there will always be a Starbucks near. And looking on that Wide Web I did come across a very funny, possibly factual and defiantly amusing (certainly the caption below the image) picture summing up what one thing about Starbucks.