Monday 6 December 2010

Starbucks Relativity

As being fellow Barista in the Starbucks Golden Chain there is a few things in which I get annoyed about when people talk about Starbucks. This is to defend the chain of store I work in (Fair enough I think), things said like Costa or Coffee #1 is better . Well as it says in the name, Costa 'costs' a lot more than Starbucks and Coffee #1 is just a very small chain of coffee shop, doesn't account for.

Although one of very few things I do agree with about Starbucks is that there are flipping loads of them around. In Cardiff, I can count at least 10 possibly more, but defending them again, it does provide the service to customers of wherever you go there will always be a Starbucks near. And looking on that Wide Web I did come across a very funny, possibly factual and defiantly amusing (certainly the caption below the image) picture summing up what one thing about Starbucks.


  1. The funniest thing about the invasion of Starbucks in Cardiff is how all of them are always full. To be fair, Starbucks is expensive, but there is no better place to sit down with a mate and have a chat.

  2. If there is no better place to sit down and have a chat with a mate, how come we have never done it together
