Thursday 25 June 2009

What If.......?

Picture this, You are at the Bus stop and the Bus isn't due to arrive for 15 minutes, you need to go to the shop for a drink and there is also a Bus stop outside the shop, also where you are going has a shop. Do you go to the Shop by the Bus stop where you are now or wait for the Bus and go to the shop after.

I am faced with situations like this all the time every day, What if I. I am also sure that other people have these situations. But everyday when a what if happens, it could change what you do in the future, the littlest part of it, your whole life or the whole world.
  • What if I walked across the road and not at the crossing 5 yards away.
  • What if I went to a different high school to the previous one I was in (Sounds a bit funny as I only left a week ago).

  • But also there is one big question, What if Jesus didn't die on the cross to forgive my sins

What if Jesus didn't die on the cross, their are many of possibilities. A lot of us wouldn't be here today, of those people who would be here would be facing a life of misery when knowing that there is nothing after life and full of sin inside. As well as humans, there wouldn't be half the things on the earth as there is now, different technology etc as God gave us abilities to do things.

We live in a life of What If's and these What If's should not get in the way of day to day life. What if I did that or this, this phase can be put in all the tenses, past, present and future tense. Don't ask the question what if I did that talking in past tense as it could come to bad things but the good What If's is present as taking risks is a way of life.

In school they have these encouraging posters everywhere and one I will always remember is, 'No one got better always getting it right.' It's the same with taking risks. People say that if you don't take risks then you haven't lived.

So what I am saying is don't look in the past and think What If, but you can look in the future and think What If and give it a go.

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