Tuesday 6 October 2009

Breaking News

Breaking News, actually two bits of breaking news
1. For the first time ever, the sidebar of advertisements on Facebook have actually come into some good use today
2 Apple have a New Mac Book out without any keyboard, just one hugh click wheel in the centre. Amazing I know. Check out this video to have a look at it

P.S. This Video is so unrealistically fake, and sadly looks like it took so much effort to do it


  1. The most obvious fake it bit is when he says "everything is just a few hundred clicks away". No one would put down their product like that.
    The software used is well built but still looks stupid.
    They may have put effort in but they would have to be VERY lucky to fool anyone.
    The only rumor at the minute is the Mac touch. They should have gone with that. They could almost have gotten away with a new OS as well if they gave it a name like OS X Moose.

  2. You do know this is a spoof right? It's aimed at showing how dumb Mac users are and how they'll buy anything.

  3. Yes it Worked. Try highlighting the post and you will see that there is one sentence that is the same colour as the background being hidden.

    And Jon I would say that was true, but do you see the comment above yours, Yeah thats been writen on a Mac and he loves it so I am not going to say that its true (Whisper) Although it is (/Whisper)
