Wednesday 5 May 2010

It's not an iPhone

Hi bloggies. Yes I haven't done a blog post in a while so to make a come back let's do a blog post on what most blogs do, complain.
As most of you know or should know that I have an iPod Touch as you can see at the end of my last couple of posts and also this one. The one thing which annoys me about the iPod Touch is the apps store.

I am one of those people who read all the information about something and this isn't different here. I read all of the describtion of the app before downlaoding and it keeps on saying things like "this is great for the iPhone" or "download for the iPhone".

Just because most people have an iPhone you do not need to discriminate on the iPod Touches. I sadly really do respect the applications in which who mention the iPod Touches in their describtions. Although it doesn't only happen with the describtion on the apps but also when I personaly wip out my iPod Touch and some person says "you getting your iPhone out are you" and if someone gave me a penny for everytime someone has said that to me then I would be really rich (in my mind rich is about £150).

Though the iPhone would cost you almost £45 a month or £400 if you are on pay as you go, a lot of people seem to have them and in result the iPod Touch is dying out slowly. Someone told me that Apple created the iPod Touch as a working prototype for the iPhone so as they have it, is there really any need for the iPod Touch or are Apple just loosing money improving it when the sales are dropping.
I would not be very hopeful for the iPod Touch to have another new generation with the launch of the iPad and the secret, not so secret iPhone 4G coming sometime soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod Touch

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