Monday 5 January 2009

Harmless fun or Shear pain

A note to all of the people with a 'Nintendo Wii', they are so fun and yet so evil after Suffering repetitive Strain injury and almost punching my living room TV in.
Here are some tips to stop you getting into the situation I was in:

1) Don't get so Competitive over a game (but I think I am right
in saying that most people with a Wii get competitive.

2) Try and avoid playing Boxing with a family member
(friends OK as if you hit them, you won't get into half the
trouble than hitting a family member)

3) Think before playing the Wii they are really fun but
are they that fun that you would play on them for 6
hours straight a risk, no defiantly getting an injury .................. um

1 comment:

  1. the wii is fun? what are you 7 years old. PS3 owns! Solid Snake kicks Mario every day.
