Monday 16 March 2009

Not Enough, All LIES

The other day I had a Cadbury's (now fairly traded) low calorie Hot Chocolate and as I am on a diet I measured out how much water it would equal out to the amount of calorie it says. The amount of calories was 40 and this was 200ml of water. As I was not to good at measuring I measured hot water in a measuring jug and poured it in a cup. Well the shock which came to much face. Adding the hot water, it didn't even full half of the cup.

It just shows that:
  1. Even though you are on a diet, you don't only change what you eat but the amount you eat even if it is healthy (and if you buy a healthy microwave meals then there is no hope it getting a decent size meal)
  2. When you see something which says low calorie, don't instantly think this is good as the quantity may be rubbish. Check the back of the package for the calories, to the amount of what ever needed i.e. water to calories.
  3. If you are on a diet I suggest you cook (not microwave or oven ready meal), and then you can control how much you wish to have (only do this if you have the control and KNOW when to stop).


  1. You could have more water. It's just it would be hideously weak hot chocolate!

  2. I did add a little more but only so it was half way
