Monday 27 July 2009

High at the Waterfront

On Saturday I went to my first Festival in Cardiff this year and the Festival was the WOW on the Waterfront. This is the third year in a row I have seen the event in the Bay and they have been spectacular. This year's event was Very Very strange. Each year they have a different theatre company performing and this time it was the chance for the French Theatre Company Transe Express provided this years WOW on the Waterfront.

The whole concept of it was something to do with French Clowns running around and seeing which one had a bigger bell and ringing it in a cage (couldn't really understand it as most of it was in French). We were told that it was a bit like Glastonbury. In the end they all ended up pulled up up a crane on a huge wire frame. The show again was very weird and on the day I really wasn't feeling it and I thought that it was a bit just a show to make your feet hurt standing up for two hours and almost give you a beyond doubt a big neck ache looking up for an hour of it watching the spin around, go up and down playing music on a grand steal frame.

But thinking back to it, it was really great and what they did was good as well and creative. Although, one of my blogging buddies Jongudmund posted a blog post titled 'Bucketloads to do' saying how everything these days and events like this cost and I have to say I went there with mission to not spend any money but as always I spent money, nearly spent £3.20 on a Starbucks but when I got there it was just closing. So I spent £1.50 on a 'Sprite'. it's not much but in the end it all adds up (especially when you have no money to spend)
The other Spectacular thing was also the firework display was really good.

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