Saturday 4 July 2009

What I've Missed.

Throughout the time I have had off school since finishing my GCSE Exams and now waiting for them, I have had a lot of time to think and some of this thinking has come to good use, some has come to bad and some has really actually made me ill giving me panic attracts (seriously). But one thing I have realised is when I have been doing things I don't normally do.
I watched HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3 (note that the font is smaller because of my shame)

Watching High School Musical 3 it was like putting myself in their shoes as technically in the film they were going through the same thing as me, leaving school and deciding what to do next in the future. The thing I found out watching it is that even through it is a film and half the things in it would never happen in real life they were making the most of there last days of high school and the conclusion I came to is that my last days of St Teilos were CRAP.

I instantly thought that leaving school would be great to get away from all the bullies in my school. But the one thing I forgot was to be happy and sad about the very good friends I was leaving even the people who weren't really my best friends I was going to miss. Today I saw two of my friends, and even through it has only been a couple of weeks ago I had only seen them it really seemed like a really long time. Talking to them, they had done so much since leaving school, working getting paid £200 a week.

Since thinking like this during the final weeks of school and getting work done last minute and missing out on quality time with my friends (even through half of them thought they would have a couple of extra weeks off not coming in), I missed the last time I would be with friends. But coming to think about it even if I was to spent time with my friends during the last weeks I would feel most likely the same as I do now. I think meeting friends outside school now which I would not see now will feel really weird.

One thing I think I need to do is get in contact with people I would not normally get in contact with just to see them a final time. If I do, do that I would need t think of a place in Cardiff to go and I don't think my other friends would like the Museum as my best friends as it is the only place to go which is free.


  1. Sorry but I have to point this out. No offense, but did you just say HSM3 made you feel bad about you own days? Compared to them, we had the best time ever. No musicals, no camp people (except Mat) and no americans. Compared to them, we had a great time.
    I see your point. We should all meet up. I'm planning a giant meet and gaming session for my bday. 8 man COD4 FTW!
    P.S. Did you really watch that movie? You must be REALLY bored.

  2. Yes I did watch it but you hit it right on the nose saying that I was REALLY bored and had nothing else to do. I thought you would agree with this blog post (not the part about High School Musical 3) as when you talk about St Teilos it's always sounds like you think it is really rubbish, earlier on in the year it was good but I just think that I didn't do a lot at the end of out time at St Teilos.

    Gaming sounds good and maybe even bowling to do something totally different.

  3. who thought that so much free time could be so boring, is this god taking his revenge or something? ugh. Lets all go to the cinema or something next week. or suicide may become an option (not really)
